We have rebranded to Code for Change. Please visit: www.code4change.co.za. Learn how to code a website: codejika.com

Change the World, South Africa

Workshops / Boot-camps


Careers in IT are hard for youth to conceptualize if experience on a PC has been limited to browsing or engaging with friends on social media sites in an internet café. Therefore, what is needed is an immersive and engaging opportunity for IT enthusiasts to sample the skills and environment of programming, coding or web-based design in order to know if pursuing such a career is for them. 

As a result of these experiences many youth are invigorated by the prospects and can plan their vision and goals for education much better as a result. Additionally, a keener sense of what type of IT career is desired is achieved and time spent in additional courses, FET Colleges or even university will be more productive, targeted and predetermined. 


Implement Coding & Web Design Workshops & Boot-Camps for Youth in Townships and Training Centers throughout Gauteng


  • Students attend 10 on-site workshops and learn PC basics and coding basics (HTML/CSS).
  • STARS of the workshop series are invited to attend the Programming Development Boot-Camp (or advanced web design) which will lead towards them beginning to monetize their skills and work or transition into organizations which can help them continue to develop these skills.
    • The Long Tail: All students and attendees are kept on a database and informed of ongoing ICT career and educational opportunities and events.
    • High-potential students are selected for further development special employment opportunities. 


  • Youth with a clearer understanding of coding, its capabilities and the part it will play in their careers. Specifically, more youth who are enamored with an IT-oriented career and who become drivers and enablers of these scare skills within the country and continent.
  • Higher chances of employability for youth finishing high school


Project Photos

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Phone: +27 (0)10 226 9499

Physical Address: Flexible Workspace Office 14,106 Johan Avenue, Sandton, 2196, Johannesburg

Email: [email protected]